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Welcome to my blog.  I write about scanning photos.  Why?  Well, it started a few years ago when I found out the majority of my childhood photos were destroyed in a basement flood.  Terrible moment.   The precious few I had left , I was going to digitally preserve ASAP.  But how?  I was not going to send my last remaining memories off to a stranger.  So, I decided to do it myself.  All my remaining photos are now forever safe. This blog is dedicated to sharing everything I have learned scanning photos so you can do it yourself too.

Photo Enhancement with Epson Scanners

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Photo Enhancement with Epson Scanners
How to do scan and restore multiple photos with your Epson scanner. Please note that the available enhancement features may vary with your scanner model and may not be as pictured in this article.
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| Categories: How To | Tags: Epson Scanner, Epson Twain, Epson Enhancement | View Count: (14677)
Top Tips for Cataloging Scanned and Digital Photos
Scan photos and catalog at the same time. Top tips on how to keep your scanned photos and digital photos organized and easy to find.
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| Categories: How To, Scanning Basics | Tags: catalog, catalog scanned photos, catalog digital photos | View Count: (14777)
You want to scan photos.  Should you scan photos yourself or use a scanning service?
Scan yourself with ScanSpeeder or use a scanning service? This comparison shows you why you may want to scan photos yourself with ScanSpeeder photo scanning software versus using a scanning service.
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| Categories: FAQ | Tags: cost of scanning, DIY vs Service, scan photos yourself | View Count: (8919)

After Purchase Instructions

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After Purchase Instructions
What to do after you purchase ScanSpeeder photo scanning software.
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| Categories: FAQ | Tags: after purchase | View Count: (5129)

ScanSpeeder Licensing

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ScanSpeeder Licensing
ScanSpeeder licensing.
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| Categories: FAQ | Tags: license | View Count: (5875)
Scan photos from a Photo Album - with a Dark Background
Scan photos directly from your photo album. When photo scanning from an album that has a dark background, use ScanSpeeder's eye-dropper tool to maximize its auto-detection of your photos.
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| Categories: How To | Tags: scan photo album, dark background | View Count: (11735)

Top 10 Photo Scanning Tips

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Top 10 Photo Scanning Tips
Scanning photos is quite simple. There are few tips that can make your photo scanning project much easier. So check out these tried and true tips that we use every day.
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| Categories: Scanning Basics | Tags: scanning tips, DPI, photo scanning, scan photos | View Count: (19949)
Scan Photos - The Basics of Photo Scanning Software
Scanning photos has never been easier and quicker with ScanSpeeder's photo scanning software. Place as many photos as you can on the scanner and let the scanning software scan the images, automatically split them into separate files, add captions (which is also serves as a tag so you can easily find the photo later), and save the photos as both .jpg and .tiff simultaneously.
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| Categories: Scanning Basics | Tags: scan photos, photo scanning, scanning basics | View Count: (47293)
How to Register Photo Scanning Software ScanSpeeder
Photo scanning software ScanSpeeder gives you ten free scans. After the free scanning period, you need to register your copy of ScanSpeeder to keep scanning photos.
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| Categories: How To | Tags: register, license key | View Count: (16463)

How to Sort Digital Photos

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How to Sort Digital Photos
Modern digital photos and "tagged" scanned photos can be searched and sorted in Windows File Explorer. When batch scanning photos, ScanSpeeder lets you add a tag to your scanned photo, with its caption feature. The details you write in the caption field becomes tagged to the photo. This tag is saved in Windows and called the photo's "title". The photo's title is both searchable and sortable in Windows File Explorer.
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| Categories: How To | Tags: sort by title, photo title, find photo, sort photos | View Count: (7836)
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