ClickCease How to Fix Caption or Imprinted Text on Digital Photos - Blog

How to Fix Caption Text on Digital Photos

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ScanSpeeder and some other photo editing software can add text to your digital photos so you can see the caption text imprinted on the photo in slideshows, digital picture frames, social media or when just looking at the photo using any photo viewing software. Sometimes you may want to change this text after you have already saved the digital photo. ScanSpeeder makes it easy to fix imprinted text on digital photos with the steps below.

  • Works no matter what software was used to add the text to the bottom of the photo.
  • Also corrects the metadata (invisible, searchable) caption on the photo.

How to Fix Caption Text on Digital Photos

Step 1

Open ScanSpeeder (Standard or Pro edition) and switch task to Add Text / Adjust Photo Collection. 
Also select the Add Text button so text imprinting is enabled by default for all imported photos.

Step 2

Click Add Files From PC, then select the image(s) you need to change text. Use shift-left mouse click to select a range, control-left-mouse click to select individual images.

Step 3

Type the new caption text under the photo.  Then right click on the photo preview, uncheck “Create Extra Space for Text”. Confirm that the old text is overwritten with the new text in the photo preview.

Step 4

Check Save Over Original Imported Images in the Save section, then click Save Files

Also ensure your files saved okay by observing a save check mark for the desired format under the photo, and no warning symbol or message.

In Summary - ScanSpeeder makes it possible and easy to correct text that has been imprinted on digital photos.  You can use this photo correction process on many photos at the same time and no matter what software was used to add the text to the bottom of the photo.

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  • Fantastic, you were ahead of me. thanks i will try it.
    10/18/2023 8:50:33 PM Reply
    • @Luis Figueredo: You're very welcome Luis, glad this article could help!
      10/22/2023 10:10:42 AM Reply

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